Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Our first science unit was all about clouds!  We learned about different types of clouds.  See below for a peek into one of our fun activities...we used shaving cream to recreate the different types of clouds!

Cumulus clouds are big and puffy!!

Stratus clouds look like a blanket!

Cirrus clouds look like a horse's tail!

Contrails are trail clouds!!

New Math Centers

We have new math centers!  Check them out below:
 Pattern block sorting

Attribute Block Sorting 

Tile Sorting 

Counting Jar

Math Centers

We love math centers!  The first set of centers we did was exploring manipulatives.  We loved getting to play with the pieces and seeing the different things we can do with them!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hi everyone!  We have had a very successful start to our school year!  Our first science unit, Clouds, finished up well.  We learned so much!  Check back soon for pictures!  We have begun doing centers in our class as well.  Reading, math, and fun centers are all under way!  Ask your child about center time!  Please see below for dates and reminders:

September 19:  Fall picture day
September 27-October 5:  HES book fair
October 8:  Cookie Dough fundraiser begins

We have a class website through the Hueytown Elementary website:  http://hueytownel.jefcoed.com/

Thanks for ALL you do!  We are having a great year!!